Save A Dog Save A Dog is an all-breed, all-volunteer dog rescue group devoted to helping adoptable, friendly dogs find permanent homes in the New England area. The organization adopts and fosters dogs rescued from overcrowded shelters all over the country that would...
Annual Food & Toy Drive In any given year, KVC assesses the need within our own community. We called upon our subcontractor partners, design partners, and employees to donate directly to the Foundation for Metrowest. Judy Salerno and her team were able to place...
One Fund Bowlathon KVC took its bowling prowess to the lanes in Cambridge in support of the One Fund. When terrorists shook our community on Marathon Monday 2013 the One Fund was established to assist those who sustained devastating injuries as a result of the attack....
Hurricane Sandy Relief Drivei Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the Atlantic hurricane season in 2012. Estimates of total damage topped $68 billion with only Hurricane Katrina being more costly. KVC sprang into action during the...
Fort Awesome Photo credit: Roxbury Weston Preschool Fort Awesome was designed and built by KVC Builders just in time for the new school year at the Roxbury Weston Preschool. RoxWes Preschool brings families together in a learning community dedicated to the celebration...
Mission Mississippi KVC Builders joined Waveland (W2W), a town-wide public/private organization, with the mission of helping rebuild their sister city of Waveland, Mississippi, which was Ground Zero for the 40-foot tidal wave that destroyed the coast during Hurricane...